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  ✝️ 🦅👑🍇👑🦅 Welcome to Friday, the *1st day of NOVEMBER 2024._* This is NOVEMBER – OUR MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE for Spiritual Renewal, Divine Influence and True Love! Here is our *GOOD NEWS* as we celebrate a new *Fruitful Month:* *_Along with Christian brethren worldwide, Receive confidence in the loving mercy of the Almighty God,…

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The Radiant Light of Kindness!

  ✝️ 🦅👑🍇👑🦅   Welcome to the last day of *_AUGUST 2024_* – God’s Month of Divine Visitation and *GOOD NEWS:*     ❤  *_The love of GOD will mix with your life and living, making you a light to everyone you meet in the land of the living – now and forever – in…